Thinking Of You On My Birthday

I think this title is appropriate because it sounds like something I would write if I wrote greeting cards, and then someone would point out that it's supposed to be "thinking of you on YOUR birthday," and I would walk out mad because I like it better this way and besides, I've always known I wasn't cut out for writing greeting cards. It's not my birthday, but it IS my book birthday. Today my book comes out into the world, but that's not what I'm thinking about. I'm thinking about the people who helped me write the book. Here's the super-sad news: through some kind of mix-up not entirely understood, my acknowledgments never made it into BACK WHEN YOU WERE EASIER TO LOVE. And I have a lot of people to thank! And I want to do it in public but really, this is the most public forum I have access to. Maybe someday when my cover band, The Barely Manilows, makes it big. But until then:



People ask me how  I wrote this book, and I tell them it wasn’t without help.  Thanks to the people who made Back When You Were Easier to Love possible:

Sara Zarr, Anne Bowen and James Dashner—the best writing posse a girl could have.

The SIX:  Bree Despain, Brodi Ashton, Kim Reid, Sara Bolton and Valynne Nagamatsu—the best critique group a girl could have.

Utah writer-mentors Louise Plummer, who saw this novel in its earliest draft, and Ann Cannon, who saw it in its final one.

My family—Pops, Mom, Juliana, Reo, Holden, Ethan, Cami, Andy and Hannah.  And my family-in-law—Brent, Yoriko, Shannon, Mike, Josiah, Ha, Andrea and Brian.

Julie Strauss-Gabel, rock star editor; Abby Kuperstock and Lori Thorn , for their mad cover (and spine) design skills; Lisa Yoskowitz; Rosanna Lauer and the rest of the Dutton team.

Michael Bourret.  Not every agent would entertain the notion of attending a Barry Manilow concert with a client.  Michael would.  I am lucky to have him.

Daniel.  My hero.

And Sabrina--for being so much better than Ismene.

Thank you.